TNS Trust Fund

Financing Mobilization of FTNS

At its creation the FTNS capitalization objective was set at 100 million in capital in 2017.

Dotations Funds

FTNS capital is invested in international financial markets by an internationally recognized investment manager Crédit Agricole Indosuez (Switzerland). The investment follows the policy guidelines defined by FTNS to a generate perpetual stream of stable income to finance targeted activities in the TNS.

Income from investment funds provided by KfW and AFD complement those of Regenwald Stiftung, which has already mobilized nearly € 4 million Euros through the Krombacher Regenwald Kampagne” as part of advertising campaigns conducted jointly with WWF Germany in favour of the APDS Counter.

Projets Funds

In addition to the endowment capital, FTNS has benefited from buffer funds or projects through grants from the KfW the European Union via the Centre for the UNESCO World Heritage and the Congo Basin Forest Fund housed within the African Development Bank and funded by the Governments of the United Kingdom and Norway (€ 661,000). With these funds, FTNS has been funding since the beginning of 2009, field activities on the basis of an Operations Manual ensuring transparent allocation and equitable revenue.
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