The 7th session of the Tri-national Supervisory Committee (CTS) was held from August 29 to 30, 2019 in Yokadouma (Republic of Cameroon) under the organisation of the Lobéké National Park (LNP) Conservation Service. The objective of the meeting was to enable representatives of administrative and territorial services of the three TNS segments to ensure that the landscape is well managed in order to guarantee the sustainability of the ecological, sociocultural and ecological values it abounds in, for present and future generations.
The event also served as a framework for the co-signature, by the TNS Divisional officers, of more than a hundred TNS free circulation badges for new staff and the distribution of communication materials produced within the implementation of UNESCO’s CAWHFI Project (posters and flyers on TNS and its protocols). In addition, Mr. Jean Paul Kevin MBAMBA MBAMBA MBAMBA was also introduced as the new conservator of the PNL, in replacement of Mr. Achile MENGAMENYA assigned to Cameroon’s Benue National Park.
The CTS is the committee responsible for monitoring the implementation decisions of the CTSA (TNS’ supreme management organ), which meets in ordinary session once a year. It is composed of the TNS administrative, territorial and judicial authorities, park managers and TNS conservation stakeholders whose missions are to resolve conflicts that may fall within its jurisdiction, monitor the implementation of action plans and the provisions of the Memoranda of Understanding, approve work plans and their follow-up, monitor the functioning of the CTPE (Tri-national Planning and Implementation Committee), finalise annual reports and support coordination between government services and the private sector.