TNS Trust Fund

Clay-baked bricks for biodiversity protection and socio-economic development in Lobéké

The Lobéké National Park (PNL) with the technical and financial support of FTNS and the German co-operation has implemented a project entitled “developing the capacities of local populations in the manufacture of clay bricks in the Lobéké National Park in Mambélé”. The project’s prospects were on several levels such as capacity building, training, job creation, […]

Yokadouma hosts the 7th session of the TNS Tri-national Supervisory Committee

The 7th session of the Tri-national Supervisory Committee (CTS) was held from August 29 to 30, 2019 in Yokadouma (Republic of Cameroon) under the organisation of the Lobéké National Park (LNP) Conservation Service. The objective of the meeting was to enable representatives of administrative and territorial services of the three TNS segments to ensure that […]

A BMZ – German Cooperation – FTNS delegation carries out a monitoring and evaluation mission in the TNS

A field mission to the Lobéké National Park (PNL) and Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas cAPDS) was carried out by a delegation consisting of BMZ (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), KfW (German Development Bank), and the FTNS Executive Office. The trip, which took place from May 4 to 12, 2019, is part of the […]